], function (Class, EventEmitter, Tag, GameObject, GameObjectArray, Utils, Bag) {
function addWithOrWithoutName(target, name, object) {
if (object === undefined) { //no name
object = name;
} else {
if (target[name]) {
throw new Error('Element "' + name + '" already added.');
target[name] = object;
return object;
function remove(target, name) {
if (typeof name === 'string') { //by name
if (!target[name]) {
throw new Error('Element "' + name + '" does not exist.');
delete target[name];
} else { //by object
if (!Utils.removeFromArray(target, name)) {
throw new Error('Element does not exist.');
* A layer contains instances, systems, and other layers.
* When any event is emitted to the layer, it is emitted to the systems and layers of the layer too.
* When you want to subscribe to the layer events with a GameObject (which is added to the layer) you can use the
* gameObject.onGlobal() function or the global-event keyword.
* @class Grape.Layer
* @uses Grape.EventEmitter
* @uses Grape.TagContainer
* @constructor
* @param {Object} opts Initial properties
return Class('Layer', [EventEmitter, Tag.TagContainer], {
init: function (opts) {
opts = opts || {};
this.width = opts.widht || 400;
this.height = opts.height || 300;
this.background = opts.background || null;
this.backgroundColor = opts.backgroundColor || null;
this._classes = {};
this._activeClasses = {};
this.instanceNumber = 0;
this._layers = [];
this._systems = [];
this._parentLayer = null;
* Adds an instance to the layer and emits it's "add" event.
* @method add
* @param {Grape.GameObject} instance Instance
* @return {Grape.GameObject} The added instance
add: function (instance) {
var i, classData, parentId, clazz = instance.getClass(), classId =, allParent;
if (!instance.instanceOf(GameObject)) {
throw new Error('The instance must be a descendant of Grape.GameObject.');
instance._layer = this;
if (!(classData = this._classes[classId])) { //instance class is not registered yet
this._activeClasses[classId] = this._classes[classId] = classData = {
id: classId,
clazz: clazz,
instances: new Bag(),
instanceNumber: 1,
descendants: []
allParent = clazz.allParent;
for (i = allParent.length; --i >= 0;) {
parentId = allParent[i].id;
if (!this._classes[parentId]) { //parent type is not registered yet
this._classes[parentId] = {
id: parentId,
clazz: allParent[i],
instances: new Bag(),
instanceNumber: 0,
descendants: [classData]
} else {
} else {
this._activeClasses[classId] = classData; //set class active
instance._index = classData.instances.add(instance) - 1; //store the index in the bag for efficient remove
* This event is emitted to the instance when it is added to the layer. The parameter is the layer.
* @event add (instance)
instance.emit('add', this);
return instance;
* Removes an instance from the layer and emits it's "remove" event.
* @method remove
* @param instance
remove: function (instance) {
var clazz = instance.getClass(), classId =, typeData = this._classes[classId], instances = this._activeClasses[classId].instances, idx = instance._index, moved = instances.remove(idx);
if (moved) {
moved._index = idx; //update the index of the item moved to the position of the removed item
typeData.instanceNumber -= 1;
if (typeData.instanceNumber === 0) {
delete this._activeClasses[classId];
* Emitted to the instance when it is removed from the layer.
* @event remove (instance)
* Returns the instances with the given tag. Instances are indexed by tags.
* @method getByTag
* @return {Grape.GameObjectArray} Instances with the tag
getByTag: function (/*tag1, tag2, ...*/) {
return this.parent(Tag.TagContainer, 'get').apply(this, arguments);
* Overrides the TagContainer's method so getByTag calls produce GameObjectArray results instead of Array.
* @method createResultContainer
* @return {Grape.GameObjectArray}
'override createResultContainer': function () {
return new GameObjectArray();
_getClasses: function (parent) {
var result = {}, classData = this._classes[], i, desc;
if (classData) {
if (this._activeClasses[]) {
result[] = classData;
for (i = 0; i < classData.descendants.length; i++) {
desc = classData.descendants[i];
if (this._activeClasses[]) {
result[] = desc;
return result;
_get: function (clazz) {
var instances = this._activeClasses[];
if (instances) {
return instances.instances;
return [];
* Gets the instances of one or more class in the current layer (sub-layers not included).
* @method get
* @param {Class|Array} classes Class or classes
* @param {Boolean} [descendants=false] Get the descendants of that class or just instances of the class itself
* @return {GameObjectArray} Instances
get: function (classes, descendants) {
var i, j, instances,
classData, classDataArr = [], addedClasses = {}, result = new GameObjectArray();
function addIfNotAdded(cd) {
if (addedClasses[]) {
addedClasses[] = true;
instances = cd.instances;
for (i = instances.length; i-- > 0;) { //todov2 use this loop everywhere if possible
if (classes) {
if (!Utils.isArray(classes)) {
classes = [classes];
for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
classData = this._classes[classes[i].id];
if (classData) {
} else {
/*jshint -W088 */ //due an issue:
for (i in this._activeClasses) {
for (i = 0; i < classDataArr.length; i++) {
classData = classDataArr[i];
if (descendants) {
descendants = classData.descendants;
for (j = 0; j < descendants.length; j++) {
return result;
* Adds a sub-layer to the current layer.
* @method addLayer
* @param {String} [name] Layer name
* @param {Grape.Layer} layer Sub-layer
addLayer: function (name, layer) {
layer = addWithOrWithoutName(this._layers, name, layer);
layer._parentLayer = this;
/*TODOv2 needed? if (this._started) {
* Adds a system to the layer. All events are emitted to all added systems.
* @method addSystem
* @param {String} [name] Name
* @param {Grape.System} system The system
addSystem: function (name, system) { //todov2 add without name
system = addWithOrWithoutName(this._systems, name, system);
system._layer = this;
if (this._started) {
* Emitted to a system when it is added to a running layer or when the layer is started with a system
* added before.
* @event start (system)
* Adds a view to the layer. A synonym for addSystem.
* @method addView
* @param {String} name View name
* @param {Grape.View} view The view
addView: function (name, view) { //todv2o create with view class if config object is given
this.addSystem(name, view);
* Removes a layer.
* @method removeLayer
* @param {String|Grape.Layer} name Name of the layer or the layer itself
removeLayer: function (name) { //todov2 stop event?
remove(this._layers, name);
* Removes a system from the layer.
* @method removeSystem
* @param {String|Grape.System} system The name of the system or the system itself.
removeSystem: function (system) {
system = remove(this._systems, system);
if (this._started) {
* Emitted to a system when it is removed from the running layer or when the layer is stopped.
* @event stop (system)
* Removes a view from the layer. An alias for removeSystem.
* @method removeView
* @param {String|Grape.View} name View name or the view itself
removeView: function (name) {
* Returns a system with the given name. Views are also considered as systems.
* @method getSystem
* @param {String} name System name
* @return {Grape.System} System
getSystem: function (name) {
return this._systems[name];
* Returns the root layer.
* @method getScene
* @return {Grape.Scene} The root layer
getScene: function () {
if (this._parentLayer) {
return this._parentLayer.getScene();
return this;
* Returns the current game.
* @method getGame
* @return {Grape.Game} The game
getGame: function () {
return this.getScene()._game;
'event start': function () {
this._started = true;
'event render': function (ctx) {
if (this.backgroundColor) {
ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
if (this.background) {
var pattern = ctx.createPattern(this.background.img, 'repeat'); //TODOv2 create function for bg drawing
ctx.rect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
ctx.fillStyle = pattern;
ctx.fillStyle = '';
'event any': function (event, payload) {
var i;
for (i in this._layers) {
this._layers[i].emit(event, payload);
for (i in this._systems) {
this._systems[i].emit(event, payload);