//TODOv2 duplicated methods with different modifiers
define(['./utils'], function (Utils) {
var nextId = 0;
var registeredKeywords = {};
* A fake class to represent default class methods
* @class Grape.Object
var classMethods = {
* Tells whether the given class is a parent of the current class.
* @method extends
* @static
* @param {Class} clazz The class
* @return {boolean} true, if the given class is a parent
extends: function (clazz) {
return !!this.allParentId[clazz.id];
* Creates a new class, which extends this class. X.extend(a, b) is the same as Grape.Class(a,X,b)
* @method extend
* @static
* @param {String} [name] The class name
* @param {Object} [methods] Class methods
* @return {Class} The new class
extend: function (name, methods) {
if (typeof name === 'string') { //name given
if (methods) { //avoid undefined arguments
return Class(name, this, methods);
} else {
return Class(name, this);
} else {
if (name) { //avoid undefined arguments
return Class(this, name);
} else {
return Class(this);
var instanceMethods = {
* Tells that the current instance is an instance of a class, or it's descendants.
* @method instanceOf
* @param {Class} clazz
* @return {boolean} true, if yes.
instanceOf: function (clazz) {
return (this instanceof clazz) || !!this.getClass().allParentId[clazz.id];
* Creates a proxy for calling a parent method
* @method parent
* @param {Class} clazz The parent, whose method will be called
* @param {String} method Method name
* @return {Function} Method proxy. When called, calls the parent method with the parameters, and original
* context.
parent: function (clazz, method) {
if (!this.instanceOf(clazz)) {
throw new Error('Accessing parent member of not inherited class');
var m = clazz.prototype[method], that = this;
if (Utils.isFunction(m)) {
return function () {
return m.apply(that, arguments);
} else {
return m;
* Returns the instance's constructor class
* @method getClass
* @return {Class}
getClass: function () {
return this.constructor;
function empty() {
* A static class for storing keyword related functions. To see how to create a class, check the Class method in the
* Grape class.
* @class Grape.Class
* Creates a class by optionally copying prototype methods of one or more class.
* @for Grape
* @method Class
* @static
* @param {String} [name] The name of the class (mainly for debugging purposes)
* @param {Array|Class} [parents] Parent class or classes
* @param {Object} methods An object containing methods. If method name contains space, the keyword parts are parsed
* and keyword specific tasks are executed.
* @return {*}
function Class(name, parents, methods) {
var classInfo = {}, constructor, i, id = ++nextId;
for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (typeof arguments[i] === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Argument is undefined: ' + i);
//parameter transformations
if (typeof name !== 'string') { //no name
methods = parents;
parents = name;
name = 'Class #' + id;
if (!Utils.isArray(parents)) {
if (Utils.isFunction(parents)) { //single parent
parents = [parents];
} else { //no parent
methods = parents;
parents = [];
if (!methods) { //no methods
methods = {};
* The name of the class if set, or a generated string.
* @for Grape.Object
* @property className
* @static
* @type {String}
classInfo.className = name;
* An unique number for the class, mainly for indexing purposes
* @for Grape.Object
* @property id
* @static
* @type {Number}
classInfo.id = id;
for (i in classMethods) { //plugins can use 'extends' check
classInfo[i] = classMethods[i];
createParentInfo(classInfo, parents);
createMethodDescriptors(classInfo, methods);
addParentMethods(classInfo); //left to right order
constructor = classInfo.constructor;
//extend prototype with methods
for (i in classInfo.methods) {
if (instanceMethods.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
throw new Error('The method name "' + i + '" is reserved');
constructor.prototype[i] = classInfo.methods[i];
//extend constructor with class info
for (i in classInfo) {
constructor[i] = classInfo[i];
for (i in instanceMethods) {
constructor.prototype[i] = instanceMethods[i];
constructor.prototype.init = constructor;
constructor.toString = function () { //debug info
return name;
constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor;
return constructor;
function createParentInfo(classInfo, parents) {
var i;
classInfo.parents = parents;
classInfo.allParent = getAllParent(parents);
classInfo.allParentId = {};
for (i = 0; i < classInfo.allParent.length; i++) {
classInfo.allParentId[classInfo.allParent[i].id] = true;
function createMethodDescriptors(classInfo, methods) {
var methodDescriptors = {}, m;
for (m in methods) {
methodDescriptors[m] = parseMethod(m, methods[m], classInfo);
classInfo.methodDescriptors = methodDescriptors;
classInfo.methods = {};
classInfo.ownMethods = {};
classInfo.init = null;
* We create a custom function for performance and debugging reasons.
function createConstructor(classInfo) {
/*jslint evil: true */
var name = classInfo.className, initMethods = [], factory = [], i, parent, constructor;
//add parent init methods
for (i = 0; i < classInfo.allParent.length; i++) {
parent = classInfo.allParent[i];
if (parent.init) {
//add own init method
if (classInfo.init) {
for (i = 0; i < initMethods.length; i++) {
factory.push('var init' + i + ' = inits[' + i + '];'); //var init0 = inits[0];
//With this trick we can see the name of the class while debugging.
factory.push('this["' + name + '"] = function(){'); //this["MyClass"] = function(){
for (i = 0; i < initMethods.length; i++) {
factory.push('init' + i + '.apply(this, arguments);'); //init0.apply(this, arguments)
factory.push('return this["' + name + '"];'); //return this["MyClass"];
constructor = (new Function('inits', factory.join('\n'))).call({}, initMethods);
classInfo.constructor = constructor;
function initializeKeywords(classInfo) {
var keyword;
for (keyword in registeredKeywords) {
(registeredKeywords[keyword].onInit || empty)(classInfo);
function finishKeywords(classInfo) {
var keyword;
for (keyword in registeredKeywords) {
(registeredKeywords[keyword].onFinish || empty)(classInfo);
function addParentMethods(classInfo) {
var i = 0, allParent = classInfo.allParent, parentsNum = allParent.length, parent, m;
for (; i < parentsNum; i++) {
parent = allParent[i];
for (m in parent.ownMethods) {
classInfo.methods[m] = parent.ownMethods[m];
function addOwnMethods(classInfo) {
var m, methodDescriptors = classInfo.methodDescriptors, methodDescriptor, modifiers, i, j, modifier, canAdd;
for (m in methodDescriptors) {
methodDescriptor = methodDescriptors[m];
if (methodDescriptor.init) {
classInfo.init = methodDescriptor.method;
} else {
modifiers = methodDescriptor.modifiers;
canAdd = true;
for (i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) {
modifier = modifiers[i];
if (registeredKeywords[modifier]) {
//iterate over other modifiers checking compatibility
for (j = i + 1; j < modifiers.length; j++) {
if (modifier === modifiers[j]) {
throw new Error('Modifier "' + modifier + '" duplicated.');
if (!registeredKeywords[modifier].matches[modifiers[j]]) {
throw new Error('Modifier "' + modifier + '" cannot use with "' + modifiers[j] + '".');
if ((registeredKeywords[modifier].onAdd)(classInfo, methodDescriptor) === false) {
canAdd = false;
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown modifier "' + modifier + '"');
if (canAdd) {
classInfo.methods[methodDescriptor.name] = methodDescriptor.method;
classInfo.ownMethods[methodDescriptor.name] = methodDescriptor.method;
function parseMethod(name, method, source) {
var all = name.split(' '),
modifiers = all.slice(0, -1),
realName = all.slice(-1)[0],
is = {},
init = false,
if (realName === 'init') {
init = true;
if (modifiers.length !== 0) {
throw new Error('init method cannot be marked with any modifiers.');
for (i = modifiers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
is[modifiers[i]] = true;
return {
modifiers: modifiers,
is: is,
name: realName,
method: method,
source: source,
init: init
* Leftmost iteration of parent tree.
function getAllParent(parents, directly, acc) {
var i, parentsNum = parents.length, parent;
if (!directly) {
directly = {};
for (i = 0; i < parentsNum; i++) {
parent = parents[i];
if (!parent) {
throw new Error('Parent #' + (i + 1) + ' is ' + parent + '.');
directly[parent.id] = true;
acc = {
list: [],
set: {}
for (i = 0; i < parentsNum; i++) { //add all parents recursively
parent = parents[i];
if (!acc.set[parent.id]) { //not added yet
getAllParent(parent.parents, directly, acc);
acc.set[parent.id] = true;
} else if (directly[parent.id]) { //added directly
throw new Error('Class "' + parent.className + '" is set as parent twice, or implied by a parent class'); //TODOv2 format global string
return acc.list;
* Registers a new keyword (like 'final' or 'static').
* Todov2 callback params
* @for Grape.Class
* @method registerKeyword
* @static
* @param {String} name
* @param {Object} handlers The functions called during the class creation
* @param {Function} [handlers.onInit] Called when a new class is about to create
* @param {Function} [handlers.onAdd] Called when a method with the keyword is added to the class
* @param {Function} [handlers.onFinish] Called when the class is ready
function registerKeyword(name, handlers) {
if (registeredKeywords[name]) {
throw new Error('keyword "' + name + '" already registered');
handlers.matches = {};
registeredKeywords[name] = handlers;
* Tells to the Grape class system that two keywords can be used together. If not explicitly told, a keyword cannot
* be used with other ones. The order of keywords is irrelevant.
* @for Grape.Class
* @static
* @method registerKeywordMatching
* @param {String} k1 Keyword 1
* @param {String} k2 Keyword 2
function registerKeywordMatching(k1, k2) {
registeredKeywords[k1].matches[k2] = true;
registeredKeywords[k2].matches[k1] = true;
registerKeyword('static', {
onAdd: function (classInfo, methodDescriptor) {
if (classInfo[methodDescriptor.name] || classMethods[methodDescriptor.name]) {
throw new Error('Static method "' + methodDescriptor.name + '" hides a reserved attribute.');
classInfo[methodDescriptor.name] = methodDescriptor.method;
return false;
registerKeyword('override', {
onAdd: function (classInfo, methodDescriptor) {
var i, j, parent;
if (!classInfo.methods[methodDescriptor.name]) { //we are not overriding an implemented method
//check for abstract methods
for (i = 0; i < classInfo.allParent.length; ++i) {
parent = classInfo.allParent[i];
for (j in parent.abstracts) {
if (j === methodDescriptor.name) {
//no abstract method found
throw new Error('Method "' + methodDescriptor.name + '" does not override a method from its superclass');
registerKeyword('abstract', {
onInit: function (classInfo) {
classInfo.abstracts = {};
classInfo.isAbstract = false;
onAdd: function (classInfo, methodDescriptor) {
classInfo.abstracts[methodDescriptor.name] = methodDescriptor.method;
classInfo.isAbstract = true;
if (classInfo.methods[methodDescriptor.name]) { //inherited method with the same name
throw new Error('Method "' + methodDescriptor.name + '" cannot be abstract, because it is inherited from a parent.');
return false;
onFinish: function (classInfo) {
var i, j, parent, oldToString;
if (classInfo.isAbstract) {
//replace constructor, this happens before extending it with anything
oldToString = classInfo.constructor.toString;
classInfo.constructor = function () {
throw new Error('Abstract class "' + classInfo.className + '" cannot be instantiated.');
classInfo.constructor.toString = oldToString;
classInfo.constructor.prototype.constructor = classInfo.constructor;
//check all abstract parent methods are implemented, inherited, or marked abstract
for (i = 0; i < classInfo.allParent.length; ++i) {
parent = classInfo.allParent[i];
for (j in parent.abstracts) {
if (!classInfo.methods[j] && classInfo.abstracts[j] === undefined) {
throw new Error('Method "' + j + '" is not implemented, inherited, or marked abstract'); //TODOv2 source?
registerKeyword('final', {
onInit: function (classInfo) {
var parent, i, j, parentFinals = {};
//iterate over parent methods checking not overwrite a final method by inheriting
for (i = 0; i < classInfo.allParent.length; ++i) {
parent = classInfo.allParent[i];
for (j in parent.methods) {
if (parentFinals.hasOwnProperty(j) && parentFinals[j] !== parent.methods[j]) { //overriding final method by inheriting
throw new Error('Method "' + j + '" is final and cannot be overridden by inheriting from "' + parent.className + '"');
for (j in parent.finals) {
parentFinals[j] = parent.finals[j];
classInfo.parentFinals = parentFinals;
classInfo.finals = {};
onAdd: function (classInfo, methodDescriptor) {
classInfo.finals[methodDescriptor.name] = methodDescriptor.method;
onFinish: function (classInfo) {
var i;
for (i in classInfo.parentFinals) {
if (classInfo.methods[i] !== classInfo.parentFinals[i]) {
throw new Error('Overriding final method "' + i + '"');
registerKeywordMatching('final', 'override');
Class.registerKeyword = registerKeyword;
Class.registerKeywordMatching = registerKeywordMatching;
return Class;